Compatibility Between the Four Elements

An earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) can get along well with other earth signs or water signs but cannot get along with fire signs since earth is capable of extinguishing fire. Earth signs can and coexist with air signs, but only in a general relationship.

A fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) can understand other fire signs and air signs. Water signs put out the brilliancy of fire signs just like what earth signs do.

An air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is compatible with other air signs, water signs and even fire signs. However, earth signs can suppress air signs.

A water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) appreciates other water signs, air signs or earth signs. But water and fire signs are incompatible.

Don’t be disappointed if the one you love has an incompatible sign. The sun is just one of many stars. There are other ways to see whether he or she is right for you.
Fire + Fire

Love relationship: two fire signs can fall in love and break up quickly, and no one need to worry about the other side is too passive. However, it is difficult to maintain the relationship.

Friendship: two fire signs are very compatible in terms of friendship; fire signs hate those who are womanishly fussy. Luckily, both are resolute and can come up with same ideas or make same decisions easily.

Fire + Earth

Love relationship: For this group, fire sign usually takes the initiative while earth sign is quite shy and passive at the beginning but pay more later.

Friendship: When it comes to friendship, a fire sign and an earth sign are just like a scholar and a soldier. However, the execution of fire sign and the patience of earth sign will be complementary and sometimes they can give each other a hand.

Fire + Air

Love relationship: Have you ever heard of wind facilitates fire? The sophisticated air signs can accompany the fire signs to do crazy things or act as the wise to comfort the impetuous fire signs.

Friendship: Air signs have the most friends, and maybe fire signs cannot share their cares and burdens, but the two signs can have the most fun with each other.

Fire + Water

Love relationship: People say fire and water are incompatible but it is not necessarily true. The fire sign would lose temper occasionally but the water sign can put it out with the constant low-key approach.

Friendship: Two friends, one fire sign and the other water, can be completely different in public. Probably only in private conversation can they find something in common.

Earth + Earth

Love relationship: Both are infatuated earth signs and could probably make it longer since no one ask for something high-sounding.

Friendship: Both are serious and they may have no sense of humor but absolute tacit understanding; they can help each other when most needed.

Earth + Air

Love relationship: Earth sign can not bear the personality of air sign who is often gorgeously dressed. Sometimes, the reliable earth sign can be anxious or suspicious of the complicated air sign.

Friendship: Earth sign is plain while air sign is always on the cutting edge of fashion, thus apparently not matching but in fact friendly; though air sign can be very popular among people, earth sign is always the most faithful friend.

Earth + Water

Love relationship: Earth sign is too realistic while water sign is too romantic and unreal, thus unavoidably suspicious of each other. Fortunately, neither of them is short-tempered and they won't quarrel so easily.

Friendship: The sensitive water sign has more feelings and always has too much to vent about; an earth sign friend can be the best listener.

Air + Air

Love relationship: Most of lovers under the air signs start from friends. Even if they start the love relationship, they can still act as friends and sometimes would play with many other friends.

Friendship: Perhaps this group is the most talkative one when compared with others. They usually have the same hobbies and interests; it is hard to ask the talkative air signs to stop.

Air + Water

Love relationship: Water sign would like to keep everything in the heart while air sign always looks carefree. Probably they just have a tacit understanding of many things.

Friendship: When an air sign and a water sign are together, it is the air sign that often makes conversation. Guided by the air sign, however, the vulnerable water sign can also become talkative.

Water + Water

Love relationship: Both are romantic water signs and they can be the most romantic lovers. On the other hand, they can be unguarded due to the excessive longing or fantasy.

Friendship: This can be the best group of friends for sharing secrets. Others may consider water signs are too sensitive and think too much, but water signs can understand each other.
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